Statues Version 10 | Modifications: General meeting on 11 March 2010, 2 July 2010, 16 September 2010, 18 November 2022, 24 June 2024
Art. 1 | Name
Under the designation "International Association for Anthroposophic Pharmacy (IAAP)", an association exists in accordance with Art. 60 to 79 of the Swiss Civil Code with its registered office in Dornach, Switzerland, Medical Section at the Goetheanum, School of Spiritual Science.
Art. 2 | Purpose, objective, and tasks
The IAAP is a non-profit international umbrella organisation for the national associations or sections, and individual members, of anthroposophic pharmaceutical practitioners
In detail, the objective and tasks are as follows:
- Representation of anthroposophic pharmaceutical practitioners in the anthroposophic medical movement and in public life at international level.
- Drawing up standards for training and advanced training in anthroposophic pharmacy to im-prove the supply of anthroposophic medicinal products in manufacturing, and advice for pa-tients, physicians and therapists regarding such products.
- Drawing up standards for the quality, safety and efficacy of anthroposophic pharmacy and sup-porting their implementation in healthcare systems.
- Promotion of research in anthroposophic pharmacy.
- Preparation of and support in the preparation of anthroposophic pharmaceutical publications and training materials for anthroposophic pharmacy for international recognition in pharmaceu-tical professional circles.
- Building a collaborative network of anthroposophic pharmaceutical practitioners
- Initiating / coordinating international activities in anthroposophic pharmacy and in cooperation with partner organisations and medical specialist groups.
Art. 3 | Membership
The IAAP is made up of national associations for anthroposophic pharmacy or sections for anthropo-sophic pharmacy within an anthroposophic medical association, co-opted members, individual anthro-posophic pharmaceutical practitioners and honorary members.
3.1. Members with voting rights
3.1.1 National associations or sections
Members of the Association are national associations for anthroposophic pharmacy, recognised by the IAAP, or anthroposophic pharmaceutical sections within an anthroposophic medical association that delegate a pharmacist trained in anthroposophic pharmacy or practitioner trained in anthroposophic pharmacy to represent them in the IAAP. The IAAP Executive Board shall decide on admission.
3.1.2 Co-opted members
Experts can be appointed as co-opted members by the IAAP Executive Board for defined areas of re-sponsibility.
3.2 Members without voting rights
3.2.1. Individual members
Individual pharmacists or pharmacy practitioners from countries without a national association or sec-tion may be admitted to the IAAP by the Executive Board.
3.2.2 Honorary members
Persons who have rendered outstanding services to anthroposophic pharmacy, irrespective of their training, may be appointed honorary members by the Executive Board.
3.3 Admission/resignation and expulsion of members
3.3.1 Admission
The declaration of joining must be in writing. The admission of new members shall be reviewed and un-dertaken by the Executive Board. A rejection must be justified in writing by the Executive Board and con-firmed by the Delegate Meeting.
3.3.2 End of membership
Membership shall end upon death, resignation or exclusion.
3.3.3 Declaration of resignation
The declaration of resignation must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board at least one month before the end of the calendar year. In the event of non-compliance with this deadline, the membership will be extended by one year.
3.3.4 Complaints
Complaints about members of the IAAP will be received and examined by the Executive Board. The Exec-utive Board shall draw up a recommendation to the Delegate Meeting on the measures to be taken.
3.3.5 Expulsion
Expulsion is effected by the Delegate Meeting at the request of the Executive Board in the event of gross offences against the interests or objectives of the IAAP or for other due cause. The member concerned must be given the opportunity to justify themselves.
Art. 4 | Criteria for the recognition of national associations and sections
The following criteria must be met for a national association or anthroposophic pharmaceutical section to be recognised by the IAAP: The association has a constitution in which the aim and purpose of pro-moting anthroposophic pharmacy is enshrined. Full members of the respective national association or an anthroposophic pharmaceutical section must be able to demonstrate knowledge of anthroposophic pharmacy.
Art. 5 | Individual members and their representation in the IAAP
Individuals from countries without a national society as defined by the IAAP can apply for individual membership of the IAAP. For an individual member to be admitted to the IAAP, the person concerned must be a pharmacist and have completed advanced training in anthroposophic pharmacy.
The individual member agrees with Art. 3.2.
Art. 6 | Organization
The organs are:
- Delegate Meeting (= Members' meeting)
- Executive Board
- Auditors
Art. 7 | Delegates Meeting (= Members' Meeting)
The Delegate Meeting is the supreme body of the Association and shall be held at least once a year. The President shall issue invitations to the Delegate Meeting at least four weeks in advance, announcing the agenda items.
The Delegate Meeting is quorate if the members have been duly invited and informed of the agenda items to be discussed. The Delegate Meeting is quorate if at least half of the voting rights are present. Voting rights may be transferred in writing to other members with voting rights. However, only one ad-ditional voting right can be accepted per member. Motions can be submitted to the President 10 days before the meeting.
An extraordinary Delegate Meeting shall be convened if 1/5 of the voting members or the Executive Board so request. This must also be announced four weeks in advance and must take place within three months of the application at the latest.
Art. 8 | Tasks of the Delegate Meeting
The following business is reserved for the Delegate Meeting:
8.1 Election of the Executive Board, the President and the Auditors.
8.2 Approval of the annual report, the annual financial statements and the budget.
8.3 Discharge of the Executive Board and the Auditors.
8.4 Affiliation with other associations/ societies.
8.5 Amendments to the Articles of Association with a two-thirds majority of the voting rights present.
8.6 Dissolution of the Association by a two-thirds majority of the voting rights present.
8.7 Determination of the annual membership fee.
8.8 Decisions on motions submitted by the Executive Board or by members.
8.9 Decisions on the expulsion of members by a two-thirds majority of the voting rights present.
8.10 Decision on the measures recommended by the Executive Board in the event of complaints procedures.
Art. 9 | Executive Board
The Executive Board shall consist of at least 3 members (at least 3 countries must be represented).
The President shall be elected at the Delegate Meeting and shall represent the interests of the IAAP ex-ternally, prepare the annual report and convene the Delegate Meeting. In all other respects, the Execu-tive Board shall constitute itself and enact rules of procedure.
The term of office is three years. Re-election is possible. The Executive Board shall constitute a quorum at official meetings within its scope of work if at least half of its members are present and shall pass its resolutions by a simple majority. The President shall vote on this committee. In the event of a tie, his/her vote shall count double. Minutes must be kept of the Executive Board meeting.
Art. 10 | Authorisation to sign
The President shall be authorised to sign together with an authorised member of the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall be authorised to sign in accordance with the rules of procedure of the Executive Board.
Art. 11 | Auditors
The Auditors shall be two members elected by the Delegate Meeting for a term of three years. The Dele-gate Meeting may also appoint an external auditor for a period of three years. The Auditors shall exam-ine the receipts and annual financial statements and submit a written report to the Executive Board for the attention of the Delegate Meeting.
Art. 12 | Election and voting rules
Members with voting rights have the right to vote and be elected. They can be elected to bodies of the Association. Voting shall be open. Votes shall only be conducted by secret ballot if 1/3 of the voting rights present so request. A simple majority is required, except for amendments to the Articles of Associ-ation, exclusion of members and dissolution of the Association. In such cases, a two-thirds majority of the voting rights present shall apply.
Art. 13 | Resources
The Association's sources of income are
13.1 Membership fees
13.2 Donations, allocations, sponsorship
The funds shall be used exclusively to fulfil the purpose of the Association in accordance with Art. 2. All purposes are of a non-material nature and not profit-oriented.
Art. 14 | Financial year
The financial year runs from 1 September to 31 August
Art. 15 | Liability
Only the Association's assets shall be liable to third parties. The personal liability of the members is ex-cluded.
Art. 16 | Dissolution
The Association may be dissolved by resolution of an Extraordinary Delegate Meeting convened for this purpose. In the event of dissolution, any assets of the Association shall be transferred to an organisation with similar objectives.
These Articles of Association were adopted at the General Meeting on 26 June 2024 and replaced the version dated 18 November 2022
Dr. Mónica Mennet-von-Eiff (President) Dr. Christian Birringer (Treasurer )