Full Members
- The Austrian Association ÖGAPh (Österreichische Gesellschaft anthroposophischer Pharmazeuten - Austrian Society of Anthroposophic Pharmacists) www.oegaph.at
- The Brazilian Association Farmantropo (Associação Brasileira de Farmácia Antroposófica - Brazilian Anthroposophic Pharmacy Association) www.farmantropo.com.br
- The German Association GAPiD (Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Pharmazie in Deutschland - Society of Anthroposophic Pharmacy in Germany) www.gapid.de
- The Italian Association SOFAI (Società di farmacisti antroposofi in Italia - Society of Anthroposophic Pharmacists in Italy). www.rudolfsteiner.it/it/sofai-farmacia/sofai-chi-siamo/
- Association of Anthroposophic-oriented Pharmacists in Japan (AAPJ)
- The pharmacist section of the Swiss association VAEPS (Verband für Anthroposophisch Erweiterte Pharmazie in der Schweiz - Association for Anthroposophically Extended Pharmacy in Switzerland). www.vaeps.ch