Anthroposophic Pharmaceutical Codex (APC) Organisation

Members of the APC committee

Responsible IAAP Board Member and 2-8 other experts

  • Peter Pedersen (Chairperson APC), pharmacist, Denmark, chairperson of the APC Committee, former member of the Committee on Manufacturing Methods of the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (GHP/HAB).
  • Melanie Kaltenbach (Deputy chairperson APC), food chemist, member of the Swiss Pharmacopoeia committee for complementary medicines (Fachausschuss Komplementärmedizinische Arzneimittel), DRA Manager, Weleda Switzerland.
  • Gabriele Jones, pharmacist, Germany, member of the Further Education Committee of GAPiD.
  • Claude Rohner, biologist, DRA Manager, Weleda Switzerland.
  • Thorsten Schletterer, pharmacist, Germany, Head of production, WALA.
  • René Schwarz, biology technician, former head of production Weleda Switzerland, Board member of VAEPS.
  • Jan Ziolkowski, pharmacist, Germany, QP Liquida, APCC, Weleda Germany.

Responsible IAAP Board Member

Mónica Mennet-von Eiff, pharmacist, Switzerland, President of the Swiss association VAEPS, Board member of the IAAP; member of the Working Group HOM on Homoeopathic Raw Materials and Stocks of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur. HOM WP) and president of the Umbrella Association of Swiss pharmacists specialized in complementary medicine and phytotherapy (FG KMPhyto).


asked on request by the APC commitee

Anthroposophic Pharmaceutical Codex (APC) Standing Orders

The IAAP board is responsible for the contents and the publication of the APC. The IAAP board appoints a responsible project manager. The project manager asks 2-8 experts to join the APC commitee. The APC commitee may ask the advise from any experts. The IAAP board confirms the project manager every 3 years.

The APC commitee submits its recommendations to the IAAP board. The IAAP board adopts the recommendations or requests the commitee to review its proposals. Ideally these proposals should be the unanimous decision of the APC commitee. If no unanimous recommendation is given by the commitee, the issue is passed on to the IAAP board for final decision.

The APC commitee meets at least twice a year.

If the text of the APC will be amended, this will require the agreement of the members of the APC committee. 4 members should be present at least. Their decisions should be unanimous.

For a new substance to included into the lists of starting materials, the following must be available:

  1. declaration, that a quality control monograph is available
  2. definition of the starting material
  3. reference to other existing standards, if applicable
  4. brief rationale of the substance from the anthroposophic point of view
  5. publication on the use of the substanc in anthroposophic medicine

Explanatory Notes need to be checked by 2 members of the APC Committee and reviewed by a native speaker.

The members of the APC commitee as well as the advisers, if they agree, will be mentioned in the editions of the APC.
Project manager appointed by the IAAP board 09.2017: Peter Pedersen